Below is what we know:
A news letter went out May 19th 2010 (below)
"The Professional Longboard Association announces today that they have been recommended to make adjustments to the purse at the America's Open of Longboarding, an event that is set for June 4-6 in Huntington Beach, CA.
The decision to lower the purse prize for this event comes from a concern in the PLA that they would not be able to support this event from a monetary standpoint. "It is unfortunate that we have to lower the purse for this event, but due to the economic climate, and considerable lack of corporate support for the longboard community we unfortunately have not been able to bring in the sponsorship monies that would cover a 6-star purse", said Jeff Stoner, Executive Director of the PLA. After multiple conversations between the ASP and the PLA, the recommendation for this event, due to time constraints and proximity to the event date, was made to lower the purse prize, but keep the star rating and point structure in tact. "The decision to make these changes was in the best interest of all parties, including the surfers. The timing is not the greatest, but due to everything the PLA has gone through this year to sustain the PLA, this was the best option we could provide for everyone", said Stoner. "its not the most ideal situation, but it beats the alternative of cancellation" continued Stoner.
The current structure for the event is as followed; 6 star point ratings, and 3 star purse structure, which brings the purse money to $15,000 and $5,000 for men and women respectively."

Now today I hear this?
"Hope all are well. I am writing to you in regards to the PLA event in HB to be held on June 4-6. it is my unfortunate position that I must tell you all that the PLA HB event and the remainder of the season has been CANCELLED due to lack of monetary sponsorships. Although the HB decision is last minute for many of you, the ASP and PLA thought it was the only reasonable option for this event. Last week we made the decision to try and lower the purse prize to help with costs of the event, and at the time this was a reasonable option, due to we were talking with 3 potential sponsors, in the end the sponsors decided they could not put forth the requested monetary amount or asked to pay a lower monetary amount which in the big picture of the event would not have helped.
The PLA admits it made a mistake in Costa Rica, when it came to monetary commitments and payouts, and we feel it is not fair to anyone to repeat this situation just to continue with an event.
I hope you all understand our situation and the time and effort we have put in not just this year, but over the last 2 ½ years to create something for you, the longboarder. We have tried to do everything to keep the PLA in the best position possible. In the end it all comes down to sponsors and industry support. We feel very lucky to have had companies like Maui Jim, Power Balance, Kicker and Ocean Current with us this year, and truly appreciate their support, but without true support from the surf industry as a whole, longboarding will always have a hard time catching up to shortboarding. We will continue to work towards building a surf series and creating events, unfortunately the PLA and myself personally cannot afford to monetarily back the these events without help from corporate sponsors and the surf industry.
What’s next for the PLA? The PLA will take this opportunity over the next couple months to figure out the rest of the 2010 season. The possibilities are slim, but we will never close the door completely. We will also take this time to focus on 2011, and what needs to be done with sponsorships to make it possible for us to run 2-3 high quality events. Although this year has been difficult, we promise that the PLA will always be around to support longboarding, and will always do our best in creating events to help better each one of you.
In regards to other issues, the PLA will follow through with other commitments and asks each one of you to please be patient as it will take some time to resolve these issues.
Thank you for your understanding on this matter, and once again the PLA apologies to each one of you, and asks for your continued support.
Jeff Stoner"
I know there are rough times for all Sports, but whats going on With LongBoarding? Doesnt everyone know that Longboarding started Surfing! That whole "sole" and "free riding spirit" came from Longboarding! Wheither it is Joel Tudor riding the Nose or Kia Salis Boosting an Air on a 9.0, you need to admitt at some point this is a very Exciting Sport! Why hasnt RedBull or Monster or TransWorld stepped up and Sponsored this PLA ASP sieries? I just dont get it? Step it up Corperate Worl; if you are on the fense, go Watch "Fresh Fruit for Rotten Vegetables"! I am sure this video will help you make up your mind! Get it together out there! We want to Surf!!!!!!!!
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