Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Samoa earthquake generates Pacific-Ocean-wide Tsunami
By: Sean Collins

As of approx. 5pm Pacific Time, an official Tsunami Advisory has been issued for the California + Oregon coasts, and would certainly include Mexico and Baja. A 5-foot Tsunami was recorded in Samoa, which created some damage there close to the tsunami source.

Keep in mind, the official tsunami height is the height above normal sea level and not from crest to trough, so an actual tsunami wave may be twice as large, or even greater depending on the local coastline and bathymetry characteristics.

A small, one-foot tsunami did pass through Hawaii at about 3:00 Hawaii time, and is expected to begin to arrive along the Pacific West Coast around 9:00 PM this evening Pacific Time. As you can see from the tsunami propagation chart on right, more energy did appear to be sent toward the Pacific West Coast compared to Hawaii, so the tsunami may be a little larger on the Pacific West Coast.The size of the tsunami is not expected to be very large along the Pacific West Coast, and official estimates are about 1-2 feet above normal sea level. But remember, that would result in a possible 2-4 foot tidal wave. That is not a large wave compared to our normal "surfable" gravity waves, but the difference is a tsunami wave has no back of the wave. So it is more of a tidal surge of water than an actual wave.There will likely be 4-6 waves, with the largest waves between the 2nd and 5th waves. The water normally recedes before these waves arrive, so if by chance you're on the beach and see the tide drop significantly all of a sudden, head for high ground immediately. However, with this small tsunami, if a person is standing on a normal beach the tsunami may be barely noticeable other than a period of larger waves surging a little farther up on the beach. We do have a 5.1 high tide in Southern California about 7:00 so the medium high tide will be on its way down.The most prominent effects of the tsunami may be a large amount of abnormal surging of water, especially around areas where the surging water could be somewhat restricted, trapped, or pooled. These areas might be near the entrances of all harbors open to the southwesterly direction. In these areas we see a significant amount of surging from the extra water washing in and out at about 4 minute intervals from 9:00 to about Midnight along the Pacific West Coast.Marine interests should double check their moorings and properties to confirm they are properly secured against surging and a possible 2-4 foot rise and fall in tide. Beachgoers should use extra caution, and due to all the unknown possible factors should probably stay off the beach. The most dangerous areas will be near water restricted areas like harbor entrances where surging, wave, and water heights will all be magnified.Please stay tuned to NOAA, local radio and TV stations, and local authorities for the latest information. Once again, this is not expected to be a significant tsunami but there are a lot of unknowns and everyone should use extra caution.+++PUBLIC TSUNAMI MESSAGE NUMBER 5NWS WEST COAST/ALASKA TSUNAMI WARNING CENTER PALMER AK521 PM PDT TUE SEP 29 2009...A TSUNAMI ADVISORY IS IN EFFECT WHICH INCLUDES THECOASTAL AREAS OF CALIFORNIA AND OREGON FROM THECALIFORNIA-MEXICO BORDER TO THE OREGON-WASHINGTON BORDER...A TSUNAMI ADVISORY MEANS THAT A TSUNAMI CAPABLE OF PRODUCINGSTRONG CURRENTS OR WAVES DANGEROUS TO PERSONS IN OR VERY NEARTHE WATER IS IMMINENT OR EXPECTED. SIGNIFICANT WIDESPREADINUNDATION IS NOT EXPECTED FOR AREAS UNDER AN ADVISORY.CURRENTS MAY BE HAZARDOUS TO SWIMMERS... BOATS... AND COASTALSTRUCTURES AND MAY CONTINUE FOR SEVERAL HOURS AFTER THEINITIAL WAVE ARRIVAL.AT 1048 AM PACIFIC DAYLIGHT TIME ON SEPTEMBER 29 AN EARTHQUAKE WITHPRELIMINARY MAGNITUDE 8.0 OCCURRED IN THE SAMOA ISLANDS REGION.THIS EARTHQUAKE HAS GENERATED A TSUNAMI WHICH COULD CAUSE DAMAGETO REGIONS IN A WARNING OR ADVISORY.ESTIMATED TSUNAMI ARRIVAL TIMES AND MAPS ALONG WITH SAFETY RULESAND OTHER INFORMATION CAN BE FOUND ON THE WEB SITE WCATWC.ARH.NOAA.GOV.A TSUNAMI HAS BEEN OBSERVED AT THE FOLLOWING SITESLOCATION LAT LON TIME AMPL------------------------ ----- ------ ------- -----------APIA WEST SAMOA 13.8S 171.8W 1832UTC 0.70M/2.3FTPAGO PAGO AMER. SAMOA 14.3S 170.7W 1825UTC 1.57M/5.1FTRAROTONGA COOK IS. (NZ 21.2S 159.8E 1950UTC 0.54M/1.8FTPAPEETE FR. POLYNESIA 17.5S 149.6W 2137UTC 0.14M/0.5FTPENRHYN COOK IS. NZ 9.0S 158.0W 2103UTC 0.08M/0.3FTPORT VILA VANUATU 17.8S 168.3E 2239UTC 0.18M/0.6FTNAWILIWILI KAUAI HI 22.0N 159.4W 0011UTC 0.16M/0.5FTKAWAIHAE HI 20.0N 155.8W 0013UTC 0.18M/0.6FTFORECASTS INDICATE THAT A TSUNAMI WITH AMPLITUDES IN THE RANGE OF 6 TO 24 INCHES (20 TO 65CM) IS EXPECTED ALONG THE CALIFORNIA ANDOREGON COAST. TSUNAMIS OF THIS AMPLITUDE CAN GENERATE STRONG CURRENTS DANGEROUS TO THOSE VERY NEAR OR IN THE OCEAN. THE TSUNAMI IS EXPECTED TO BUILD AND REACH ITS MAXIMUM APPROXIMATELY ONE AND A HALF HOURSAFTER THE INITIAL ARRIVAL. TSUNAMIS CAN BE DANGEROUS WAVES THAT ARE NOT SURVIVABLE. WAVEHEIGHTS ARE AMPLIFIED BY IRREGULAR SHORELINE AND ARE DIFFICULT TOFORECAST. TSUNAMIS OFTEN APPEAR AS A STRONG SURGE AND MAY BEPRECEDED BY A RECEDING WATER LEVEL. MARINERS IN WATER DEEPERTHAN 600 FEET SHOULD NOT BE AFFECTED BY A TSUNAMI. WAVE HEIGHTSWILL INCREASE RAPIDLY AS WATER SHALLOWS. TSUNAMIS ARE A SERIES OFOCEAN WAVES WHICH CAN BE DANGEROUS FOR SEVERAL HOURS AFTER THEINITIAL WAVE ARRIVAL. DO NOT RETURN TO EVACUATED AREAS UNTIL ANALL CLEAR IS GIVEN BY LOCAL CIVIL AUTHORITIES.THE TSUNAMI MESSAGE WILL REMAIN IN EFFECT UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. FORFURTHER INFORMATION STAY TUNEDTO NOAA WEATHER RADIO... YOUR LOCAL TV OR RADIO STATIONS... OR SEETHE WEB SITE WCATWC.ARH.NOAA.GOV

http://www.surfline.com/ - http://www.surfline.com/surf-news/samoa-earthquake-generates-pacific-ocean-wide-tsunami_30881/

Monday, September 7, 2009

Rotten Vegetables in Surf Film Premiere

Rotten Vegetables in Surf Film Premiere

SAN DIEGO, CA -- Surfcraft Media Productions proudly presents Steve Cleveland latest movie "Fresh Fruit for Rotten Vegetables". The culmination of Cleveland's travels and filming over the past two years FFFRV is a fast paced, tightly edited, action packed surf film with an equally complimentary hi-bred sound track. The cast consists of some of the very best longboarders in the world, ridding all types of surfboards. That includes traditional single fin logs, tri-fin hi-performance longboards, alternative and retro shortboards, (hulls, eggs, fish, quads, twin fins) alaia's, and state of the art shortboards. Filmed in Australia, California, Hawaii, Indonesia and Mexico in Hi-Definition, "Fresh Fruit for Rotten Vegetables" will keep your finger on the rewind button.

*Featured surfers / Alex Knost, CJ Nelson, Beau Young, Harley Ingleby, Duane DeSoto, Bonga Perkins, Joel Tudor, Taylor Jensen, Jai Lee, Tyler Warren, Dane Peterson, Bryce Young, Chad Marshall, Christian Wach, Harrison Roach, Ned Snow, Brain Anderson, Kassia Meador, Jen Smith, Belinda Baggs, Bucky Barry, Jan Wessels

www.mylocallineup.com, (2009)
Rotten Vegetables in Surf Film Premiere

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Possible great white shark attack off Carlsbad no cause for alarm

Possible great white shark attack off Carlsbad no cause for alarm

Reports of a possible attack by a juvenile white shark on a swimmer off Carlsbad have surfaced on the Internet but should not be cause for alarm.
The incident occurred last Tuesday afternoon off Terramar Beach. Bethany Edmund was swimming about 300 feet from shore in the surfing lineup, trying to shoot photos. A large fish jumped, and moments later she felt a sharp pain in her right foot and thought she had kicked the reef.
"About 30 seconds later I felt the same sharp pain and, this time, I began to swim away from the area," Edmund said in a report posted on the Shark Research Committee website. "About a minute later while I was swimming from the area I was hit on the upper right thigh and propelled about one foot out of the water. This is when I realized what was happening and began to bodysurf toward shore.
"The first wave I caught I felt something in the area of my calf pulling me back and down under water. ... I ignored what had just occurred and caught another wave to the beach. This time I felt the same sharp pain in my left calf, but this time I was dragged under water and shaken for 4-5 seconds. During this struggle I accidentally kicked the shark and it released me."
There was no profuse bleeding, only small puncture wounds. Area beaches were not closed. Ralph Collier of the Shark Research Committee used these bite marks to determine it was a white shark measuring 5 to 6 feet.
It should be pointed out that juvenile white sharks do utilize Southern California waters in the summer, sharing the same environment with thousands of swimmers and surfers. They feed primarily on small fish and rays, and when they get bigger they migrate out of the region and begin preying on seals and sea lions.
There is an ongoing tagging program involving juvenile white sharks in Southland waters. The Monterey Bay Aquarium staff recently captured a 5-foot white shark off Malibu and has the predator on exhibit.
Attacks such as this are extremely rare, and experts will cite that a far greater danger, statistically, lies on the freeways and roads leading to the beach.
Adult great white sharks do not frequent Southern California coastal waters, but they are occasional visitors. This became sadly evident in April 2008, when a 66-year-old swimmer was fatally attacked off Solana Beach.
But that too was a very rare event.

-- Pete Thomas

Photo: Great white shark prowls the waters near Guadalupe Island off Baja California. Credit: Al Seib/Los Angeles Times