Want to go surfing in California? There are many places that a person can go and they are just a drive apart from each other. These beaches are some of the very well known in the surfing world. All someone has to have is a map and gas for the car. On the coast of California there is about thousand miles of surfing beaches to go to.

One of the first of the beaches along the coast has mild to gentle waves that most can ride. This beach is called Capistrano Beach that is near Dana Harbor. Another of the many beaches is called Dana Point-Doheny Beach. This one has mild waves that people has to have some experience to ride these. The biggest of these beaches is called Los Angeles-Dockweiler Beach that has lots of coast to surf. Yet another of these is Newport Beach that is famous for the wedge surfing and one of the most challenging to date.
There are so many to pick from that it is hard to name all of the beaches. If the person does not know how to surf it is best to leave the real waves to the pros. But if someone wants to learn there are many places on the beaches to teach it to anyone. A new surfer needs to start with a body board to get the hang of the waves.

It really takes skills to navigate the water so don’t go into the water lightly, make sure that the person knows what they are doing. It is really dangerous to surf if someone does not know how to do it. The reason for this is that the waves can get as high as twelve feet and can drown a person in a minute. Have fun surfing!